Introducing Miss Miniver Rose

Wondering who that was accompanying the Flaming Lips at Free Press Summer Fest in Houston this past weekend? That was Elizabeth Rose Allen, who also goes by the monikers Lizzy or Lizzie Allen or Miss Miniver Rose. Miss Rose is a member of Denver, Colorado’s outfit Vitamins, who you might hear on ABC Family’s Final Witness program this summer. Rose texted Wayne Coyne (The Flaming Lips) last year to offer her services as a trained Opera singer (she’s a soprano) and apparently he did, Rose sang “Great Gig” for the group in Atlantic City a few months later. Her solo project Whatever It Is… was recorded on an iPad and has not been formally released in the US but is doing well in several other international cities. You can stream the album or download “Rabbit Hole” below:

Download: Miss Miniver Rose – Rabbit Hole

Miss Miniver Rose

About author
Kelli Nastasi is an American writer and photographer living in Paris, France. She likes dogs, space, and Mary J. Blige.

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