Jennifer Moore of Deep Time on Feminism

After Vice magazine recently reviewed the latest album by Grass Widow as “getting together with a couple of other women and some guitars and making your slightly different voices all sync up as tautly as your periods,” Jennifer Moore of Austin’s own Deep Time wrote an interesting article for Impose about how the review was more than an affront on Grass Widow, but proof that feminism is still something worth talking about. Moore writes,

I can only give the benefit of a doubt to the author and editor of the review. I suppose that they are ignorantly oblivious to the fact that women don’t need another article highlighting their “breasts and asses” as the best thing they’ve got going on, and that many women already spend a great deal of energy fending off the perception that their work is not up to the standards or equal in depth to that of men. It’s not a joke. It’s a sucker punch. It’s worse than being invisible.

See the full article here.

About author
Kelli Nastasi is an American writer and photographer living in Paris, France. She likes dogs, space, and Mary J. Blige.

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