Album Review: The Cave Singers – Naomi

naomi_cave_singersOn their fourth studio album (second for label Jagjaguwar), The Cave Singers move in new directions not just from preceding albums but from much of indie music as a whole. The songs that comprise Naomi are largely upbeat, optimistic folk rock built on the distinctive vocals of singer Pete Quick.

While those descriptors might not sound revolutionary, the sunny disposition that pervades Naomi is markedly different from much of today’s pop music. A recent story on NPR relayed the story of a grad student who recently researched major and minor key songs over the years, finding that songs from earlier decades tended be up-tempo and major key (clearly “happy”) and others were slow and minor key (clearly “sad”). However, newer songs might be upbeat, but many are in a minor key. In other words, lately, there’s been a sadness creeping into our happy music.

Pardon that long explanation; I think it’s this phenomena that makes Naomi so fascinating and engaging, as the band channels the upbeat major key pop of days past. The lyrics reflect an optimism rare in indie rock too. On opener “Canopy” Quick happily sings, “Canopy, what is foretold?/ Up in the sky, flowers unfold/ Canopy, turning gold/ I’ll make peace on my own.” The song implicitly and explicitly creates the image of an upward view of a glowing forest sky. “No Tomorrows” is similarly hopeful and even more direct with lines like “I’ve got no sorrow” and “Happy for each single breath.” Beautiful arpeggios and steady drums assist the upbeat feel.

Rare dark moment do crop up occasionally, most often when the band chanels their somber psych undertones as on “Have to Pretend” and “It’s a Crime.” Both of these remain excellent tracks, despite this disparity, especially the former with its driving cadence.

Other merits punctuate the record, such as the gorgeous simplicity of “Evergreens” or the accomplished traditional folk of “Northern Lights.” It feels as though I’ve been likening everything to Big Star lately, but with the band’s emphasis on 70s styles, I think the comparison is apt. My girlfriend mentions “Thirteen” as we listen to “Evergreens” and I’m acutely aware of that power pop pioneer group’s influence on “When the World.”

The fundamental reality of Naomi is that the album’s twelve songs are simply a joy to listen to. The Cave Singers have embraced happiness and sunny rock in a bold and refreshing way. The band will be in Austin in April, and they were outstanding on their last visit. We’ll see you there.

Full Tour Dates:

03/27/13 Salt Lake City, Ut – Urban Lounge w/ Pollens
03/28/13 Telluride, CO – Fly Me to the Moon Saloon w/ Pollens
03/29/13 Denver, CO – Gothic Theatre w/ Pollens
03/31/13 Chicago , IL – Empty Bottle w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/01/13 St. Louis, MO – Old Rock House w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/02/13 Louisville, KY – Zanzabar w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/03/13 Columbus, OH – The Basement w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/04/13 Philadelphia, PA – Johnny Brenda’s w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/06/13 Brooklyn, NY – Music Hall of Williamsburg w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/07/13 Allston, MA – Brighton Music Hall w/ Bleeding Rainbow BUY TICKETS
04/09/13 Washington, DC – Rock and Roll Hotel w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/10/13 Chapel Hill, NC – Local 506 w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/11/13 Asheville, NC – Emerald Lounge w/ Bleeding Rainbow BUY TICKETS
04/12/13 Atlanta, GA – The Earl w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/13/13 St. Augustine, FL – The Original Cafe Eleven w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/14/13 Tampa, FL – Crowbar w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/15/13 Orlando, FL – Will’s Pub w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/17/13 Baton Rouge, LA – Spanish Moon w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/18/13 Dallas, TX – Club Dada w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/19/13 Houston, TX – Fitzgerald’s w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/20/13 Austin, TX – Red 7 w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/22/13 Phoenix, AZ – Rhythm Room w/ Bleeding Rainbow BUY TICKETS
04/23/13 Tucson, AZ – Solar Culture Gallery w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/24/13 San Diego, CA – Casbah w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/26/13 Los Angeles, CA – Bootleg Theater w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/27/13 Santa Cruz, NM – The Crepe Place w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/28/13 San Francisco, CA – Great American Music Hall w/ Bleeding Rainbow
04/29/13 Eugene, OR – Cozmic Pizza w/ Bleeding Rainbow
05/02/13 Vancouver, BC – The Commodore Ballroom w/ Bleeding Rainbow
05/03/13 Portland, OR – Wonder Ballroom w/ Bleeding Rainbow BUY TICKETS
05/04/13 Seattle, WA – The Showbox w/ Bleeding Rainbow

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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