Track Review: “Let Me Dream If I Want To” – Obits

Obits, a band comprised of indie-rock all-stars from bands such as Drive Like Jehu, Edsel, and Pitchfork, have released a new single on SubPop, who also released the band’s first two full-lengths. The single is comprised of a pair of covers, the A-side, “Let Me Dream If I Want To,” by Mink Deville and the B-side, “City Is Dead,” by Belgian band The Kids. The songs are well selected for a no-nonsense rock outfit like Obits. In both past and present, the members of Obits have clearly been guided by bands such as Mink Deville and The Kids and the resulting covers feel just right. “Let Me Dream If I Want To” stays truer to the original recording than does “City Is Dead,” but both songs retain the detached, punk-rock coolness and distorted riffs that make them great to begin with. The starkly different minimalist verses of “Let Me Dream If I Want To” really works for Obits and is perhaps the most notable aspect of either recording. Bottom line: here are two great early punk songs redone by a cast of excellent indie-rock musicians.

No stream available for this one! To hear ‘em you’ll have to pay for the download over at SubPop’s site.  You can however, stream a track from Obits last album, Moody, Standard and Poor below.

Visit here to get more info and purchase:

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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