“Do You Ever?” – G A L P A L S

We’re a bit later than we’d like to be in writing about this great new band right here in our very own back yard of Austin, TX. I first caught G A L P A L S just last week at the No Play Music sponsored Bummer in the Summer show at Hole in the Wall (which was an absolute blast). I had heard they were a band to see, and I was correctly informed.

The duo consisting of Jillian Talley (Cowabunga Babes) and Lauren Mikus performed a set full of youthful vigor and raw spirit that affected me in a profound way. Austin is as full of talented musicians as it is unemployed degree holders, and some of those musicians are doing incredible things. However, one simply cannot explain the excitement induced by a young band whose music is driven by their unrestrained energy. G A L P A L S were at times a little off kilter and uneven, which only added to their  appeal. Any nervousness was offset by sheer joy as the girls laughed nonchalantly and endearingly between songs. I am reminded of the reckless abandon with which one of my favorite bands, Beat Happening, undertook the onset of their music career.

While the band is at work on a soon to be recorded full-length, they have four songs available for download on their bandcamp page. The first of those is “Do You Ever?”, an infectiously sugary pop song. Both Mikus and Talley handle singing duties on the song over Mikus’ simple guitar chords and Talley’s straightforward drums. The result is simple, classic. Mikus’ voice has a tone (especially in the context of G A L P A L S’ style) that reminds me somewhat of one of my favorite songs by the Tammys, “Egpyption Shumba,” which you can hear below. Just when you’re thinking that “Do You Ever?” is a solid song that might need a punch, the girls throw in a breakdown with only 45 seconds left in the song. They ride the spot-on change all the way to end. The song is a powerful showing for a first demo from a new band, and we can’t wait for more. You can stream or download “Do You Ever?” below. Catch G A L P A L S when they play with Tristen and Follow that Bird at the Swan Dive on June 23rd.

Download:  G A L P A L S – Do You Ever?

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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