Fort Union’s Self-Titled Album Out Now, New Songs Streaming

As promised, all this week, we are bringing you content centered around the music of the Pacific Northwest after our recent trip to the area. Seattle/Portland’s Fort Union is an up-and-coming band that represents the best that the region has to offer.

Fort Union’s eponymous debut is out now and is a collection of ten, cohesive, ethereal, ambient, americana songs. Sound like a lot to digest? What’s so beautiful about the album is that it floats lighter than air, but carries an undeniable rooted weightiness. The song craft is spot-on, and the songs flow from one to the other effortlessly. It’s hard to pick a favorite, from delicate and nuanced opener “Will You Come With Me” to the down beat and piano driven, soul-infused closer “Life.”

Fort Union is full of gems, each deserving and demanding attention. It’s a staunchly convincing album from a promising young talent, and we recommend taking a listen for yourself. Below, you can stream a new song from the band, “Border Song.” Additionally, you can visit the band’s bandcamp page to stream more of the album.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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