Preview New Television Series Hardly Sound from Austin Musician Randy Reynolds

Randy Reynolds has been an underground mainstay of the Austin music scene for a decade now. As Leatherbag and now as No Future, Reynolds has given us consistently outstanding blends of punk, pop, and indie-rock influenced by every era of music imaginable. But Reynolds is more than a musician. He has undertaken podcasting, writing, and now he is the producer of KLRU’s newest television series, Hardly Sound.

Though exact details about the scope of the series are to be announced, we can tell you that the first episode will focus on Austin band The Bye and Bye. From the preview, it seems that Reynolds tells a story not only of musicians, but also of the lives of musicians, focusing on what makes them who they are. Hardly Sound will be directed and edited by co-creator Chris Kim, who acts as the creative force behind the scenes. Kim recently made a web series called Captive Man that focused on his time being unemployed. That series can be viewed here. Beautifully shot and well written, we cannot wait for this premiere, which airs this fall. To keep up with all things Hardly Sound, head over to their tumblr, right here.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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