Show Preview: Shearwater, Marmalakes, & Brass Bed at the Parish

shearwaterYou’ll definitely find us at the Parish tomorrow night for three outstanding live acts. Pop Press International has been singing the praises of Shearwater since before it was born. Structured around the operatic and expansive vocals of singer Jonathan Meiburg, the band has become increasingly rock oriented in recent years. However, they haven’t lost that artful flair that makes them one of the most intense and captivating acts ever to come out of Austin, TX. We don’t get to see them as much as we would like to, as they have continued to rise in popularity, and Austin will be happy to have them performing.

Marmalakes_Free_Week-16Supporting act Marmalakes have sold out the Parish before on their own, so you can bet that this show will be well on its way to capacity when the doors open. With a few national tours under their belt and recent packed shows for Free Week, Marmalakes have been rising to Austin superstardom with each performance. Led by Chase Weinacht, the trio’s live show is always energetic and upbeat.

brass_bedAnd then, we’re fortunate enough to have still another excellent opener in Brass Bed, who deliver laid back, richly textured indie pop. The band recently released a single for “A Bullet for You” in advance of a planned 2013 release. Christiaan Mader’s smooth vocals are always solid, and we’re looking forward to seeing this band live. This isn’t one to show up late for; arrive early for three great bands, Austinites. Stream mp3s by each of these bands below.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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