Shearwater Live at the Parish with Marmalakes and Brass Bed

Shearwater_at_the_Parish-10I am so sorry that some of you missed Saturday night at the Parish, because the bill featured a solid trio of artists who are particularly enjoyable in a live setting. Shearwater was one of the first local bands I began to watch on a regular basis back when I was in college around 2002-2003, and they will always possess significance for me to see live. Frontman Jonathan Meiburg’s dramatic stage presence captivates at once, and although his backing band has changed frequently, the musicians who surround him are never less than superb.

Shearwater_at_the_Parish-3Musical prowess is a hallmark of Shearwater, which some might see as an obvious remark to make about a band. However, bands, especially within independent music, commonly excel at creativity or nuance or lyricism, but often fall short when compared to professional musicians. Breaking that mold, Shearwater places careful emphasis on arrangement and instrumentation. Even on last year’s more streamlined, rock-oriented Sub Pop release, which omitted some of the orchestral flourishes for which they are known, the music remains ornate and elaborate.

Shearwater_at_the_Parish-1The band culled most of the songs Saturday from that album including the almost title track “Animal Life” and the driving “Breaking the Yearlings.” Meiburg told the attentive audience that the band was celebrating the last show of the Animal Joy tour as well as the lunar new year and the onset of the year 4711. Who new we were in for a new year’s celebration? Meiburg also remarked that the band would be working on two new albums this year: one, a covers album of songs by bands they have toured with, and two, an album of new material.

Marmalakes_at_the_Parish-9Earlier in the night Marmalakes rocked a packed house of Parishioners. Just a few days before their tour began, Marmalakes performed a tight set of alternatingly acoustic and rocking songs. Every time I see the band, they impress me with how incredibly tightly they perform. Drummer Josh Halpern is a madman on the drums, easily the most emotive of the group. However, frontman Chase Weinacht does his fair share of dancing and shuffling around the stage. Marmalakes is a group who has been on the incline for a while now, and with another tour and SXSW just around the corner, we suspect it’s a trend that will continue.

Brass_Bed_at_the_Parish-10The most impressive feat of the evening was opening band Brass Bed holding its own with two impeccable live acts. In light of the expectations that come along with live powerhouses like Shearwater and Marmalakes, Brass Bed delivered substantially with an energetic set of indie rock. Some of the band’s more beautiful and flowing song structures, as on new song “Bullet for You,” didn’t emerge until the end of the set, when the crowd was already hooked and ready to receive more subtle songs. Brass Bed has been performing as a band for a while now, and I’m hoping these Louisiana natives start seeing more love and more shows from Austin in the near future.

When a show can surpass the expectations one has when heading out to see bands of this caliber, it’s a great show. Take note that Brass Bed and Marmalakes will be at SXSW playing multiple shows this year. See them both.

All photos below © Bryan Parker and Pop Press International. Click any image to open in slideshow view.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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