Bill Baird Announces Album Release Show, Shares “Spring Break of the Soul”

bill_baird_spring_breakBill Baird is back with a new LP, Spring Break of the Soul, that will see release on March 5th through Pau Wau Records. From that record, we have been given the epic, sprawling psychedelic-pop title-track “Spring Break of the Soul,” which features ever-shifting instrumentation, including flowing synths, marchy drums, and layers of reverbed vocals. Like the prolific Baird, the song can’t sit still, providing a rich amalgam of influences and moods.

Baird has announced an album release show during SXSW–stay tuned for exact timing and venue information. For the time being, there’s plenty to digest, as a press release from Baird’s label indicates that the album, will be far more than a simple vinyl release. Instead, the 17 song release will be a double gate-fold LP that includes “a 32-page book with all manner of visual aides (photos, extra artwork), as well as full-color sheet music.”

You can also watch the video for the title track as well as a promotional video explaining all the escapades that have been occupying Bill Baird’s time during this period of silence over the past couple of years. Until next time, happy Bill Bairding!

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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