Pop Press International: Who is one artist or band you’re hoping to catch while you’re in town?MA: Isn’t almost every band in the world gonna be there? I’d love to see John Fogerty! Other than that, I’m just winging it, seeing the bands we’re playing shows with.
PC: I’m really excited to see some of our friends like Allah-Las and some of the Burger Records bands but I’m also really hoping to catch The Zombies and Foxygen.
PPI: Have you ever played SXSW before? how many times?
MA: This’ll be my 4th time out though I missed the last 2 years. First time driving to SXSW!
PC: I’ve been once before but this will be my first time going as a Blank Tape!
PPI: What’s your most unbelievable SXSW memory?
MA: Too many to remember and not enough of memory to retain it all. The sudden Saturday winter storm of 3 years ago was a memorable and miserable one freezing my ass off.
PC: Catching a couple having sex in their car in the middle of the day near 6th street.
PPI: Is there a favorite album or artist the band listens to on the road?
MA: I’m always partial to the Beatles. Been rocking This American Life (radio show) nonstop!
PC: I just loaded all of the Nuggets and Pebbles compilations onto my iPod so I’m excited to jam out to those on the drive out there.
PPI: What’s the best meal the band has ever had on the road?
MA: Flying into Dresden eating all that awful airplane food and then eating a home cooked meal of goulash, borscht, kartoffelknoedel, & sauerkraut. That and some goulash on a boat in Prague.
PC: I strongly second what Matt said about a home cooked meal though I love tasting the local fare wherever we go which has lead to some pretty crazy tastings from Garlic Ice Cream in Gilroy, CA to Ghost Pepper Ice Cream in Amarillo, TX.
PPI: What’s one thing about Texas that’s totally different from anywhere else?
MA: Breakfast Tacos.
PC: Barton Springs!
The Blank Tapes at SXSW
Tues. 3/12 – 4pm – All Tamara’s Parties @ Cheer Up Charlie’s – 1104 E. 6th
Tues. 3/12 – 11pm – Antenna Farm Presents @ Valhalla – 710 Red River (Official SXSW showcase)
Wed. 3/13 – 6pm – BTR & Austinist Present @ The Liberty – 1618 1/2 E. 6th St.
Thurs. 3/14 – 1pm – Manicfest Destiny III @ Rusty’s – 405 E. 7th St.
Thurs. 3/14 – 5:45pm – Riot Act/Mint Records Present @ Cheer Up Charlie’s – 1104 E 6th St
Thurs. 3/14 – 11:15pm – Austin Psych Fest Levitation Event @ Hotel Vegas – 1500 E 6th St
Fri. 3/15 – 3:20pm – Psychedelic Pig Roast – 911 E. 2nd St.
Sat. 3/16 – 4:30pm – Pop Press International Presents @ The New Movement – 616 Lavaca St.