Greg Mullen and the Cosmic American Band Album Release at Holy Mountain

Greg_Mullen-6Sometimes you want desperately to be in two places at once. This past Saturday, it was three, as several bills showcased stellar local artists, two of which celebrated the release of an album. While Marmalakes and the Sour Notes performed at the Mohawk for The Kids Are Alright Fest benefitting families living with Autism and Walker Lukens was getting down over at the ND, Greg Mullen and the Cosmic American Band played at Holy Mountain to christen the release of There Are Americas Beyond This America.

Greg_Mullen-13Donned in stately cowboy attire, including a bolo tie, western hat, and boots, Mullen delivered high-energy country rock songs that recalled the Byrds. Mullen’s vocal warble will undoubtedly draw comparisons to Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst, but the music translates as far less affected and possesses a touch of humor.

Greg_Mullen-7Onstage, Mullen is endearing and affable, awkwardly rambling through brief anecdotes between songs. Featuring a standing bass, violinist, and pedal steel, Mullen’s notable band offers variety in the face of many indie-rock bands with a traditional musical arrangement. Drummer Andrew Stevens is one of the most seasoned and steadfast in town, having performed in a slew of bands over the years and now, including Linen Closet.

Grandfather_Child-1Before Mullen, Houston’s Grandfather Child performed a set of soulful rock music constructed around Lucas Gorham’s smooth and coarse vocals like gravel imbedded within a river of honey. We caught the band last year at Free Press Summer Fest, and they’re always a solid bet live.

In the coming months, Mullen will be announcing more dates in Austin and currently has a show scheduled at Lambert’s in May. You can order There Are Americas Beyond This America here or stream a track from the album below preceding a photo gallery of the release show on Saturday.

All photos © Bryan Parker and Pop Press International. Click any image to open set in slideshow viewer.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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