Best Coast at Mohawk with Lovely Bad Things and GALPALS Live Review

Best_Coast-24Best Coast’s performance at the Mohawk on Sunday night featured a lengthy setlist of upbeat pop songs and solid performances by opening acts. The sold out crowd seemed to agree; concertgoers bordered on fanatical, shouting ‘I love you’s at lead singer Bethany Cosentino between almost every song.

Best_Coast-9GALPALS must have been a last minute addition to the lineup or we weren’t paying attention, but either way, they fit the bill perfectly and continue to sound tighter and more self assured. They duo of Lauren Mikus and Jillian Talley also played a new song, potentially called “Earthquake,” which showcased more dexterous arranging and more ambitious songwriting than much of their other material. The Lovely Bad Things were a definite treat, churning out blistering punk and putting on an energetic live show. Their sonic palette recalls contemporaries such as Mikal Cronin or The Babies, though recordings emphasize distorted guitars and push the vocals further down in the mix. We’d love to get around to reviewing their very recent album The Late Great Whatever, but in case we don’t—our official stance is that it’s outstanding.

Best_Coast-38The openers had the crowd beyond efficiently pumped for Best Coast, who entered the stage to wild applause. Opening with “Sun Was High” and moving into fan favorite “Crazy for You,” the set featured fun pop from the onset as expected. Bethany Cosentino herself admitted that alcohol might have prevented the band’s past performances in Austin from reaching full potential. Impressively, she vowed not to drink and even had a bandmate take away her alcoholic beverage. (Aside: when you’ve got a drink holder on your mic stand—it could be time for some self-reflection.) Truly, Best Coast played a tighter and more focused set than the handful of other times I’ve seen them perform. Costentino seemed more connected with the crowd and in tune with her own performing. We didn’t even hold it against her when she berated Texas for our summer heat causing her to have excess boob sweat.

Best_Coast-43Despite an almost 20-song setlist, the band’s brief takes on summery pop moved quickly, and like those fleeting summer days it seemed that closer “When I’m With You” arrived all too soon. Cosentino, bassist Bobb Bruno and co. did return for an encore including “Do You Love Me” and mega-hit “Boyfriend.” We said it several times leading up to the show, but our words certainly rang true. With great openers and summer weather just beginning to take root, Best Coast’s show at Mohawk made for a perfect way to spend the Sunday night before Memorial Day.

All photos © Bryan Parker & Pop Press International. Click any image to open in slideshow viewer.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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