Brass Bed Live at Hi-Dive in Denver

Brass_Bed_at_Hi-Dive-4While Pop Press International is on vacation in Colorado, we took the opportunity to check out one of the local venues that houses many of indie-rock’s stalwart, national touring acts. We felt lucky to coincide with New Orleans-based indie-rock outfit Brass Band’s tour, which made a stop at Hi-Dive last Wednesday night. The medium sized venue is situated south of Downtown on Broadway among several cool restaurants and book stores.

Brass_Bed_at_Hi-Dive-8On a high, barely lit stage at the front of a long narrow section of the bar, Brass Bed was already setting up gear when I arrived at Hi-Dive around 11:20. The touring incarnation of the band was down a member who would be meeting back up with the current trio in a few shows time at the Seattle stop. Still, the three piece was able to create full, rocking versions of songs old and new. Brass Bed performed one song that they introduced as having never before been played live.

Brass_Bed_at_Hi-Dive-5Onstage, Brass Bed’s Jonny Campos provides captivating energy as he rocked out while pumping out solid bass lines and handles vocal responsibilities on several songs. The band delivered some powerful rock with “How to Live in a Bad Dream” and closed the set with album single “A Bullet for You” as guitarist Christian Mader laid down alternatingly smooth and angular guitar notes and chords. Brass Bed has four more dates remaining on their tour: San Francisco, Sacramento, Davis,  and Los Angeles, CA on the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 20th respectively. Fans of simultaneously flowing and hard hitting indie-rock should take note and get out for one of these shows.

All photos © Bryan Parker & Pop Press International. Click any image to open in slideshow viewer.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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