Belle and Sebastian at ACL Live

Belle_and_Sebastian-10Belle and Sebastian was one of the first indie bands I listened to. I bought If You’re Feeling Sinister at Waterloo Records around 2001 and fell in love fast. I purchased the remainder of their discography soon after and from that point until the present, their entire catalogue exists as a solid go to. As I watched them perform to a sold out ACL Live on Tuesday night, it became clear that I can’t even begin to quantify all of the emotional and personal musical history I have wrapped up in the band.

Belle_and_Sebastian-15And I can safely say I’m not the only one. Euphoric grins surrounded me all night long. When Stuart Murdoch randomly pointed out the girl next to me to come up to the stage and apply make-up to his face during “Lord Anthony” she looked as if a thousand volts of electricity coursed through her body. Later in the set, a small group fans danced for the duration of two songs and never lost their broad smiles. Two girls with flowers in their hair and one with dark, thick-rimmed glasses felt like the perfect demographic for a Belle and Sebastian dance party.

Belle_and_Sebastian-2With a band as seasoned as Belle and Sebastian, you could always have disappointments about what made the setlist and didn’t. However, the Glasgow indie pop outfit offered an incredible assortment of older tunes throughout the night including classics like “Boy with the Arab Strap” and “Dirty Dream #2.” But the moment that rendered me helpless with joy was hearing “If You’re Feeling Sinister” live. I unabashedly sang every word while turning into a puddle of silly fanboy. The band took the set out with a great pairing of the 60’s psych-leaning “Legal Man” and the folk beauty of “Judy and the Dream of Horses.”

Belle_and_Sebastian-9Plus, we were still treated to an encore that included closing number “Get Me Away From Here I’m Dying.” For me, and likely every kid who discovered Belle and Sebastian in their tumultuous youth, the refrain of that closer is a mantra that has been repeated and sung with conviction many times. Although those years are largely behind me, the song was a perfect ending to the night and stirred within me feelings of a youthful and whimsical dreaminess. Everything in me hopes it’s not seven years before Belle and Sebastian decides to visit Austin again.

Blitzen_Trapper-6Earlier in the night Blitzen Trapper performed a set strangely incongruent to the eventual headliner, but nonetheless highly enjoyable. “Furr” will always be a high point for me, despite it’s universal love by everyone ever, but the band performed mostly newer material that showcases a rawer and classic rock understanding of folk. What’s for sure is that these talented musicians added an intriguing component to a great night of music at ACL Live.

All photos © Bryan Parker & Pop Press International. Click any image to open in slideshow viewer.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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