Dana Falconberry, Brass Bed, and Reservations at Mohawk: Live Review

Dana_Falconberry_8_30_13-5You’d think that being a brilliant lyricist and accomplished musician would be the thing that sets an artist apart. And to a point, you’d be right. Dana Falconberry’s distinct voice always stirs something inside me inexplicable. Her hushed yet powerful arrangements evoke chills. However, the more I see her perform, the more I find myself awestruck by simple elements that define her as a human being.

Dana_Falconberry_8_30_13-2Having played with the same cast of musicians for some time now, their onstage rapport radiates warmth. Show attendees feel as though they’re watching a conversation with old friends or some uncannily high function family. I get the feeling that her band members would follow Dana Falconberry just about anywhere. And they have. Over the past year or so, Falconberry and co. have traversed every corner of the U.S., garnered widespread acclaim, and left a trail of impressed music aficionados in their wake. Who wouldn’t be impressed by Karla Manzur’s incredible voice or Lindsey Verril’s elegant cello? Matthew Shepherd lays down perfect, careful percussion while Chris Cox handles bass, and Gina Dvorak lends her skills on banjo and various, small percussive instruments.

Dana_Falconberry_8_30_13-10From behind the microphone, with undeniable sincerity and appreciation, Falconberry thanks the audience for coming. On a Friday night in a town saturated with bands, there’s no hustle here. No lure of free Tito’s or PBRs. Fans aren’t cramped into a bar talking noisily over a band desperate to keep your attention through the next powerful rock song. It’s clearly all about the music. Falconberry’s heartfelt songs about home ring true, so beautiful we almost forget the summer heat, and the crowd falls silent as she and her band navigate intricate instrumentation. If you live in Austin and you still haven’t seen this show, overdue doesn’t begin to cover it. What’s wrong with you?

Brass_Bed_8_30_13-5Playing directly before Falconberry is touring act Brass Bed, who calls Austin their “home away from home.” Literally, their words during the set. It makes sense: they’ve played SXSW a number of times, and recently shared the stage with Austin-based, once-orchestral, chamber rock outfit Shearwater. Brass Bed has been well-loved in Austin amongs a small crowd that’s growing quickly. They’ve been on tour extensively over the summer (we caught them coincidentally in Denver), and have returned to the south after long weeks of travel.

Brass_Bed_8_30_13-4As always, Brass Bed delivers a set high in energy while rich in subtleties such as underlying guitar lines and surprising shifts. Lead singer Chirstian Mader hides behind shaggy blonde bangs while alternating between soothingly delicate and explosive lyrics. Bassist Jonny Campos provides the lion’s share of onstage antics, jumping about and rocking out as his dark hair surrounds and shadows his face. Brass Bed’s The Secret Will Keep You, released earlier this year is a solid album, but the band is even more fun live.

Reservations_8_30_13-3Austin based songstress Jana Horn and her band Reservations, which features Good Field’s Paul Price on guitar, opened the evening. Horn is something of a newcomer to the Austin music community, and she sounds more confident with each show. The band as a whole sounded better that ever Friday night by delivering more punch and tighter arrangements. Horn’s stage demeanor remained somber for much of the set, though at one point she cracked a wide smile and seemed to know that things were clicking on a new level. Most exciting is the fact that each time I see the band, Horn announces that one of the songs is brand new. It’s great to see an artist flourishing in that youthful wellspring of new material.

All photos © Bryan Parker & Pop Press International. Click any image to open in slideshow view.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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