Show Preview: New Order Bassist Peter Hook and the Light Perform Tonight at The Belmont

peter_hookRecent touring by both the outfit still retaining the moniker New Order as well as original New Order bassist Peter Hook with his band The Light has sparked some controversy as well as generally dismissive rhetoric about both artists. Fans hate on New Order because Hook was always an integral part of the arrangements, but spare Hook himself no sympathy; who is he without the other members and the moniker?

However, my love for New Order’s songs transcends this petty bickering. Hate all you want. Stay mired in superficial, purist critique if you choose. I, for one, will be watching Peter Hook and the Light perform the classic albums Power, Corruption, and Lies and Movement tonight at the Belmont in Austin, TX. Despite the lack of the remaining members of New Order, this is still the guy who wrote the bass line for “Age of Consent.”  And tonight, it will be glorious.

To celebrate, we’re giving you five solid covers of “Age of Consent” — six if you count the two different versions by Aracade Fire. Other versions include tracks by Geographer, Austin’s own The Boxing Lesson, Athens indie rock outfit Reptar, and a video just released this month by Yuck. Watch and listen below!

Arcade Fire – “Age of Consent” (New Order Cover) Version 1

Arcade Fire – “Age of Consent” (New Order Cover) Version 2

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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