Maybe it’s because we can never escape that part of us that (somewhere hidden deep inside) loved high school. Or maybe it’s just because our youth was fraught with as much repressed joy as it was angst. Maybe it’s just because we love the Descendents. It has to be well done, and plenty of bands that toe the line between pop and punk are cast aside without a second thought, but Audacity pulls it off. The group will issue Butter Knife on October 29th on Suicide Squeeze and they’ve shared a couple of album cuts leading up to the album’s release. You can stream both the all out punk rock “Couldn’t Hold a Candle” and the more melody driven “Cold Rush” below. Did we mention that the band will be part of Fun Fun Fun Fest’s Nites programming, playing Beerland Saturday November 9th? And that you can buy tickets for FFF here? And that you can win tickets from us here? True story. Happy listening!