Stream New EP From Whiite Walls Now; Release Show Friday

whiite_wallsWhiite Walls is 1979. The band’s new EP embodies that musical era when the lines between dance and punk began to blur. There’s a little bit of disco, lots of hi-hat, twinkling guitar notes, and swelling synths, but there are snarls of lyrics and angular riffs, too. Plus, we’re totally granting you permission to yell, “More cow bell!” half way through opener “June 9th.” The songs that comprise the band’s debut, self-titled EP are well balanced and incredibly listenable. While distinct, they’ll invoke familiar elements such as the rhythms of Daft Punk, the guitar tones of Beach House, and the melodies of a slew of beloved 80s new wave bands. Whiite Walls are an exciting new voice in the Austin music community. They’ll celebrate the release of their EP with a Friday night show at Cheer Up Charlie’s new location on Red River (wow, it’s exciting to say that!). Come help both a new band and a new venue celebrate the beginning of something exciting. Stream Whiite Walls below.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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