Alex Napping at Cheer Up Charlies: Live Review

Alex_Napping-5We’ve seen Alex Cohen perform a solo set before, but her set on Monday night at Cheer Up Charlies with her full band showcased a wholly different project. Onstage, all four member of Alex Napping smile as they interact with one another, particularly bassist Tomas Garcia-Olano (The Eastern Sea) and drummer Andrew Stevens. Garcia-Olano serves as a driving force for all the fun, performing emotively, dancing energetically, and joking between songs.

Alex_Napping-4Most of the projects that Andrew Stevens performs with, Jess Williamson chiefly, requires percussive insight, restraint, and nuance. With Alex Napping, Stevens has the ability to completely let loose with powerful grooves and fills. He switches styles adeptly and masterfully creates tension as the songs unfold. Cohen herself lays down guitar lines and belts out lyrics in a style influenced by late 90s indie rock. Her songs exist at the center of a perfect storm created by these excellent musicians.

Alex_Napping-3Earlier in the night Sancho, a band featuring Peter Shults of Hello Wheels and Josh Halpern of Marmalakes, performed a short set. The singer-songwriter rock songs translated as surprisingly strong in a live setting, fortified primarily by Halpern’s intense and charismatic drumming.

Check out photos of the evening below. All images © Bryan Parker & Pop Press International. Click any image to open in slideshow viewer.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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