Attendance Records Plans Art Auction, Seeks Sponsors

attendance_recordsWe’ve partnered with Attendance Records in the past on events and are always moved by their dedication to inspiring young people to pursue their creative voice. The program works in high schools to educate students about a variety of facets of the music industry, including songwriting, album artwork, and recording. To raise money to expand the program, the organization is seeking sponsors for an upcoming art auction to be held on May 31st from 5pm-9pm at Wright Bros. Brew and Brew. The art showcased at the event is a product of students interfacing with artists working in Austin to create modernized versions of classic album covers. The organization is seeking a business sponsor for each of the pieces featured in the show. to In their own words, Attendance Records, released a press release saying:

“During our spring semester, we worked with 10 local artists on modernizing classic album covers. Students began by researching the artistic and cultural significance of their classic album cover and created a presentation on their findings. They then compared and contrasted their classic albums with modern album covers and met with local artists to present their artistic vision for a modern day interpretation of their classic album cover. These 10 re-imagined covers will be on display with their classic counterparts at our art auction.”

Below is a list of the albums + artists for each piece:
Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen / Josh House
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club, The Beatles / Claire Murphy Mayberry
The Velvet Underground and Nico / Michelle Devereau
Freewheelin’, Bob Dylan / Jessica Mathews
Survival, Bob Marley / Josef Kristofoletti
Unknown Pleasures, Joy Division / Jeremy Earhart
London Calling, The Clash / Jon Windham
Thriller, Michael Jackson / Casey Polacheck
Who’s Zoomin’ Who?, Aretha Franklin / Christa Palazzolo
Court and Spark, Joni Mitchell / Ricky Jaen

If you’re intersted in being a sponsor for the event, you can:  Click Here to Become an Attendance Records Art Auction Sponsor.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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