Peek into the Cosmos with Panabrite’s Blissful “Balsam”

As if on his back in a planetarium, Panabrite’s Norm Chambers crawls effortlessly through the cosmos in “Balsam,” a standout drifter off his recently released new album Pavilion. The song seems to go from azure sky to post-apocalyptic smog’and’fog seamlessly over the songs palatable 4 minutes, and the trip doesn’t end there. Over the past decade, Mr. Chambers has been releasing a plethora of ambient records stuffed with Blade Runner synthesizers and guitars that might as well have been grown in a greenhouse (his discography is a rewarding experience to dig through), but with Pavilion, it seems he’s found a reason to speak a little louder. Head over to Immune Recordings to pick up the LP.

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