True Sincerity Issue #2

TS2_Cover_Final_SmallFans of honest Austin talent flocked to Cheer Up Charlie’s this past Friday night to celebrate the release of the second issue of True Sincerity written by Pop Press International’s own Editor-In-Chief, Bryan C. Parker. The journal follows the first issue published last spring and contains interviews, writing, and photos of Dana Falconberry, Danny Reisch, Thor Harris, Adam Hilton, Jennifer Leduc, Maggie Lea, and Tamara Hoover. Through each piece Bryan attempts to find the ticking motor in each of his subjects while letting each one speak for themselves, allowing their introspection to serve as the backbone for what True Sincerity means. In the concluding essay entitled “How Am I Not Myself?” Bryan examines what it means to be [true] to oneself, particularly through the balance of action and intention. Each interview perhaps shows the intentions of each subject, while his supporting text demonstrates where each sits based on their actions. We as readers sit in the middle, deciding how successful Dana, Thor, or Danny are in being true to themselves. In turn, we ask this same question to ourselves.

Now for the obvious advertising portion: BUY IT HERE.

Linen_Closet_013015-6To celebrate the evening, we got to see Linen Closet in a special live performance joined by a new guitarist. The band jaunted through a spirited set of dynamic emotional swells. Like a sea we swayed, crossing the bridge with help from the band, driven by lead singer and True Sincerity interviewee Adam Hilton who delivered an incredibly passionate sermon straight from the gut.

true sincerity-1Gold Beach played outside on Cheer Up Charlie’s’ new sound system setup that easily dished out the electronic components from the band in arena-like fashion. With some very funky bass work courtesy Jakob Clark, the band grooved like a darker Coldplay with more hip-hop influenced rhythms. Weird, I know, but they worked it well! Lead singer Michael Winningham had to lose a layer at one point, heating up on the big VHS-visuals-addled stage.

true sincerity-2Feverbones is so cool. Mathy, but not nerdy. Groovy, but this ain’t no disco. Simple, but minimalistically strong in its triangle of funk. Matthew Shepherd and Abram Shook synced up–pushing and pulling–while Christopher Cox undressed each groove with a vintage Ovation electric guitar he used to conjure chiming lead effervescence over six strings. Shimmering with hypnotic nervous energy, the band arpeggiated through its rhythms.

true sincerity-5Marmalakes brought everyone together for a final send-off into Friday night, while Cheer Up Charlie’s steadily increased its patronage each minute. Chase, Max, and Josh were joined by Taft for the first time, rounding out the band to an even four-piece, adding an additional layer of intensity to the live show the band is known to promise.

At the end of the night, grooving along to some classic 60s RnB, I felt proud and privileged to be surrounded by a complex network of passionate, talented, and supportive folks in a venue that encourages confidence and sincerity.


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