Getting in the Party Spirit: Ouais and Mantiques Live Review

ouais-3Last Saturday Spirit played host to four local bands with eclectic stage energy, giving the night a strange atmosphere riding the lines between humor, angst, and inebriation. Sure enough, the beer was flowing and Slice Island was slinging hot ‘za to all on a much-too-cold night; I think it was literally zero degrees.

ouais-5Ouais (French for “yeah”) started with a set of loose-fitting slacker rock. The two piece switched instrumental duties after a few songs and began to really hit their stride. Snarling vocals, bouts of feedback, and thrashing drums reflected the angular emotion coming from the microphone stand. Half the group ended on the floor below the stage as feedback crescendoed and crash cymbals died.

dumplings-1Dumplings followed suit with their classically bizarre set of Simpsons audio samples and stage banter between all three members arguing dates and throwing jabs. It was nice to see the group obviously enjoying themselves (despite the two jabronis facing the audience and dancing like two fourteen-year-olds who experimented with beer for the first time). When beckoned by the song, tongue-in-cheek guitar solos were balanced with convincing emotion coming from Pan Hanlin’s vocals, especially. I can’t get enough of “Alone 4 Eva.”

boiled denim-2Boiled Denim were obviously there for good time vibes; two members came ready to party, while the other two were content to passively chill while kicking out jams. Laid back jokes and inter-song discussion defined the band’s set. Oh and beers. Cans were neatly assembled at the front of the stage by lead singer Jerry Lyon as he continued to crush another Pabst.

Mantiques finished with a performance dominated by drummer Jesse Ley, whose tight percussion provided the momentum for the set. Lead singer Dane Adelman looked like Hip Jesus using his whammy bar in a pulsing wave to coax more indie rock syrup to drip from vintage Peaveys.

mantiques-2If you were at Spirit Saturday to drink, eat, and be serious, you were probably disappointed by one of those, and I can say the beer is cheap and the pizza is tops. No one can say these bands aren’t rock ‘n’ roll fun. Stream tracks by Dumplings and Ouais and check out the photo gallery below.

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