Siren Sound Temple Lures Listeners with Reverb, Rhymes, and Rock n Roll

Moving_Panoramas_022016-3For its 2nd annual event, Nine Mile Records’ Siren Sound Temple put together an incredible and diverse bill of artists hosted by one of Austin’s newest venues, Barracuda. Although we arrived later than we hoped in the night (after helping Cheer Up Charlies celebrate their 6th anniversary!!!), we hit Barracuda just before midnight and caught some of the evening’s most promising sets by artists of starkly divergent aesthetics and genres. Moving Panoramas soaked the room in reverb as Leslie Sisson sang in floating refrains over shoegaze-pop songs supported by the rhythm section of Karen Skloss (drums) and Rosie Castoe (bass). Purple played inside next, laying down funk-leaning rock with Hanna Brewer impressively handling some of the vocal responsibilities from the drum throne.

Magna_Carda_022016-1Back outside, Magna Carda delivered an incredible set of hip-hop culled from their recently released (and phenomenal) album CirQlation. Despite a little technical difficulty with a bass amp, Megz Kelli and Dougie Do had a dynamite performance; Magna Carda is on the shortlist for Austin’s most exciting and important artists. Stay woke, music fans. A Giant Dog closed out the night inside with a raucous set from the always unhinged punk outfit fronted by Sabrina Ellis. Hearing “All I Wanted” live never gets old. Their new album, Pile, is due out on Merge Records in May. #AGiantDogForever.

Peruse our photos from the night below. All images © Bryan C. Parker & Pop Press International, all rights reserved; click any image to open in slideshow viewer.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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