Dana Falconberry Celebrates Album Release at Stateside Theater Saturday

Dana_Falconberry_082315-2I’ve written about Dana Falconberry a lot here at Pop Press International, and I continue to believe she’s one of Austin’s best musical artists. I’m proud to say I was able to share some thoughts on Falconberry’s new album, From the Forest Came the Fire, in the April issue of Austin Monthly. That article is more focused and polished than what I might say in a quick blog post, and I recommend reading it. But to the point: From the Forest Came the Fire is an amazing, transcendent work of art several years in the making. It is beautiful and ethereal and stunningly written. The band will perform at the Stateside Theatre on Saturday and if you see just one show in the month of April, this should be it. Get your tickets now. Falconberry’s band (which recently adopted the moniker Medicine Bow) consists of an excellent cast: Matthew Shepherd on drums, Christoper Cox on bass, Karla Manzur on keys (among other instruments), and Gina Dvorak on banjo and guitar (among other instruments). As a bonus, you can hear Dana Falconberry on the radio on KUTX today at 1PM.

Saturday’s show will be supported by Adam Torres. Repeatedly, those who take my recommendation to see Torres perform return to me in awe of just what an amazing performer he is. I’ve been privileged to hear a few previews of the record Torres has been working on, and while more news of it will undoubtedly be available soon, I can say for now that it is going to floor you. This show is going to be a special one. Be there, music lovers. Listen to songs by both artists below.

About author
Bryan Parker is a writer and photographer living and working in Austin, TX. He is the founder of blog Pop Press International and print journal True Sincerity and recently released his first book, a volume on Beat Happening in the 33 1/3 series.

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