Adam Torres Signs to Fat Possum Ahead of U.S. Tour, New Album
Stalwart indie label Fat Possum has announced the signing of songwriter Adam Torres, who joins a roster that also includes acts such as Modest Mouse, Yuck, and Andrew Bird, among others. The label promises a new…

Glassblock Launch Party and VIP Event
Glassblock, Pittsburgh’s newest web-based magazine officially launches this Thursday with a VIP event (tix here) and a party to follow (more tix) at Spirit. The project is the result of hard work by Adam…

Reflecting on the Slack Capital Release Party at Barracuda
The compilation has long been a go t0 method of cross promoting and getting the word out about a cadre of like-minded artists in an environment where they might otherwise fly under the…

Brass Bed Celebrates New Album at Scoot Inn Tonight
Lafayette, Louisiana based band Brass Bed has long been a darling here at Pop Press International. So, it shouldn’t be taken lightly when we say that the band’s new album In the Yellow Leaf, out…

Boogarins Find Psychedelia On A Monday
Youthful Brazilian psych-rock band Boogarins brought its incredible live set to Pittsburgh Monday night at Cattivo, awash in cascading phasers, guitar solos, and latin-fueled rhythms. Despite a modest-sized crowd, guitarist/vocalist Dinho Almeida was rarely…

We’re All Hiding Behind Kurt Vile’s Hair
What makes live music good? When you attend a lot of shows, people frequently ask you about the quality of the show they skipped out on. Nevermind that you wrote about it on your blog;…

Evolving and Going to Fucking Therapy: An Interview with Jen Kirkman
Stand-up comedian Jen Kirkman has been a writer and regular guest on Chelsea Lately and frequent narrator on the TV series, Drunk History. She wrote the New York Times Bestseller, I Can Barely Take…

Show Preview: Austin Comp Slack Capital Release Party at Barracuda
Is there a more time-honored underground music tradition than the comp? Compilations have of course been utilized to collect music of all kinds, but underground, indie, and punk labels and artists seem to…

Watch Hospital Ships’ Jordan Geiger Play Intimate Acoustic Version of “All In Time”
Simultaneously bleak and beautiful, Hospital Ships’ “All In Time,” culled from their newest effort, The Past Is Not A Flood, builds on looping refrains and simple parts by adding a variety of synth structures and…

Austin Punk Mainstays OBN III’s Share Politically Charged New Songs
Someone recently quipped that one benefit of a Donald Trump presidency is the massive volume of punk songs sure to erupt from such a catastrophe. Austin punk mainstays OBN III’s perspective: why wait? The…

Athens Band Mothers Brings Delicately Powerful Pop to Stubb’s: Live Review
With indie rock songs both fragile and powerful, Athens band Mothers delivered a set that left the audience at Stubb’s’ indoor room transfixed and engrossed last Thursday. Falling somewhere between the music of Angel Olsen and…

UPCOMING: Ghost Guts & City Steps at BBT (PGH)
Though the band’s cryptic social media presence reveals little about its MO, Ghost Guts writes songs that cut straight. Punkified american rock and roll, twang, and garage all mix into a classic sound…

Backstage at Dana Falconberry’s Stunning, Theatrical Album Release Show
If you attended Dana Falconberry’s release show for her new album, From the Forest Came the Fire, at the Stateside Theater last Saturday, you experienced an incredible display of artistry, in terms of both…

Premiere: Genuine Leather’s Lo-fi Video for Woozy Acoustic Track “Ray Has To Die Today”
Culled from the B-side of Genuine Leather’s new Jeff Jazz EP, “Ray Has To Die Today” is the aural manifestation of a Saturday afternoon following a Friday on which you were too tired to go…

Show Preview: Psych Folk Hero Kurt Vile Plays Stubb’s Friday 4/15 (ATX)
Onstage, psych folk songwriter Kurt Vile hides behind his hair, quietly delivering impressively nuanced and sprawling songs over introspective, hazy arrangements. Similarly quietly, Vile has released some of the best and most revered…

UPCOMING: Sunflower Bean at Smiling Moose (PGH)
Fresh off the heels of a successful SXSW run and in the middle of a national tour in support of debut full-length Human Ceremony (Fat Possum), Sunflower Bean comes through Pittsburgh Saturday night, stopping at…

Watch Real Live Tigers’ Dusky Video for “Denatured”
Relying on shadowy, backlit shots of songwriter Tony Presley wandering through Waller Creek’s dry bed filmed by Mike Ozmun and early 20th century archival footage from the Library of Congress, Real Live Tigers’…

Pageantry Celebrates Influence Album Release Tonight at Cheer Up Charlies
A few weeks ago, we were privileged to premiere “Teenage Crime Wave,” an excellent track from Dallas band Pageantry’s outstanding new collection of dream pop songs. The group’s new album, Influence, officially drops today, and…

Stream Downtempo Bedroom Pop from Fog Lake
Jangling and fuzzy, “Rattlesnake” is a bedroom pop gem from St Johns, Newfoundland-based songwriter Aaron Paul, who records under the moniker Fog Lake. The track wanders gently but steadily through wavering vocals and…