The compilation has long been a go t0 method of cross promoting and getting the word out about a cadre of like-minded artists in an environment where they might otherwise fly under the radar. A great comp reflects the imitable spirit of a great music scene, which is what makes Slack Capital so exciting. Nathan Lankford of Austin Town Hall records and Bill Bill frontman Eric Braden teamed up to cull together twenty (20!) tracks from a diverse group of bands ranging from garage punk to quirky pop to slacker rock. We’re thrilled to see so many great Austin bands showcased on Slack Capital, which is available for purchase here. Last Friday night, the comp’s curators assembled a bill of bands to represent and celebrate the cooperative effort, including Big Bill, Annabelle Chairlegs, Basketball Shorts, ¿Que Pasa?, Sailor Poon, Pollen Rx, Pataphysics, and Critical Dad. We captured photos of a few bands from the evening, including Sailor Poon gettin’ wacky, Big Bill weird walkin’, and Annabelle Chairlegs hair whippin’, which you can peruse below.
All images © Bryan C. Parker & Pop Press International; all rights reserved. Click any image to open set in slideshow viewer.
- Sailor Poon; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Sailor Poon; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Sailor Poon; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Sailor Poon; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Big Bill; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker
- Annabelle Chairlegs; photo by Bryan C. Parker