Clarke Dominick

Album Review: Chain & The Gang – In Cool Blood

Almost 25 years after he helped start Nation of Ulysses, every subsequent project involving singer Ian Svenonius (The Make Up, David Candy, Weird War, etc.) has been consistently defined by his oversized, agitprop-fueled…

Album Review: A Place to Bury Strangers – Worship

The peripheries of A Place to Bury Strangers seem to have as large – or even larger – a profile as the band’s music itself.  Vocalist/guitarist Oliver Ackermann helped found boutique effects pedal…

Album Review: MV & EE – Space Homestead

MV & EE’s latest offering, Space Homestead, is hardly an album full of contradictions.  For as ramshackle as it is, there’s no sound or instrument that seems unexpected or out of place.  Still,…

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