Dear Someone: No ‘Poo For You
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Signal to Noise: Immune Recordings
Signal to Noise is a new column penned by Neil Lord. It will run periodically on Pop Press International. This feature column will spotlight and discuss artists, labels, and trends within the noise…

Early to the Party: Austin Finally Becomes One Giant Festival
Austin Finally Becomes One Giant Festival On November 4th, citizens of Austin will vote on Proposition 58. If Proposition 58 passes, Austin will legally be recognized as a festival and no longer as…

Dear Someone: Sex : Art :: Dog : Lion
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Dear Someone: (Where are the) Girls, Girls, Girls?
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Dear Someone: Will Reuniting Feel So Good?
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Dear Someone: Doggone It, People! Like Me!
Dear Walker, My ex and I have a lot in common. We both live in the same town, we’re both musicians, we both share some of the same friends… But unfortunately he is…

Dear Someone: For the Sake of the Song
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Dear Someone: I’ve Been Known to Quiche and Tell
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Dear Someone: Tough Love, Gentrification, & Bathroom Etiquette
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Early to the Party: Missed Connection
Samantha? – m4w – Red River We were standing next to each other at the concert the other night and I instantly felt a connection without even having to talk to you or…

Dear Someone: Don Henley, Domesticity, and Hangover Cures
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Early to the Party: An Open Letter to the Tallest Man in the Entire Concert Venue
– Karen Early is a comedian and human being living in Austin, TX. She performs and organizes the weekly Megaphone Show on Saturdays at the New Movement Theater. Her column Early to the…

Dear Someone: Elvis, Austin Tourism, and Folkaphobia
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries by emailing…

Dear Someone: Sex, Cats, and Rock ‘n’ Roll
Walker Lukens is a musician living and working in Austin, Texas. His latest album is called Devoted. His advice column Dear Someone runs semimonthly on Pop Press International. You can send in your own inquiries…