"Attendance Records" tag

Attendance Records In Flying Colors

I sit here listening to Attendance Records’ brand new 10″ vinyl release, The World, Differently, featuring local musicians Walker Lukens and the Eastern Sea, two of our favorites. But what makes this record extra special is the…

Attendance Records Teaches Students to See The World, Differently

Non-profit organization Attendance Records is prepared to release their new album–The World, Differently–composed of material culled from a collaboration with high school students and some accomplished Austin musicians. They will celebrate the release with a…

Attendance Records Hosts Holiday Party, Plans Membership Program Launch

Last weekend at the Mohawk, non-profit educational program Attendance Records, which works in schools to teach students about the music industry, held their annual holiday party. The night featured a photo booth stocked…

You’re Here! Fall Kick-Off at Cheer Up Charlies

Last SXSW, Pop Press International joined forces with local label Punctum Records, non-profit organization Attendance Records, recording studio Estuary, and tape label Accrue Cassettes, along with a few other entities and sponsors, to…

Attendance Records Plans Art Auction, Seeks Sponsors

We’ve partnered with Attendance Records in the past on events and are always moved by their dedication to inspiring young people to pursue their creative voice. The program works in high schools to…

Hello Wheels, El Campo, and RF Shannon Play Attendance Records Benefit: Live Review

Austin nonprofit organization Attendance Records does the important work of teaching high school students about music, its industry and its creation. This includes everything from album artwork to songwriting to recording. With ever…

Attendance Records Aims to Expand and You Can Help

Attendance Records is a great project that encourages musical appreciation and expression in Austin schools. You can help them expand just by voting! Their program is up in the Do the KIND thing contest for $10,000….

Why You Should Be at The Mohawk Tonight with Attendance Records and Belaire

In a book called Break Point and Beyond by George Land and Beth Jarman, they cite a study conducted by land in which he tested a group of students for their aptitude at divergent…

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