"Austin Town Hall" tag

Show Preview: Austin Comp Slack Capital Release Party at Barracuda

Is there a more time-honored underground music tradition than the comp? Compilations have of course been utilized to collect music of all kinds, but underground, indie, and punk labels and artists seem to…

Free Week is Upon Us: Our Recommendations

Free Week in Austin serves to underscore the major problem with loving independent music and living here. If you’re a casual fan of music or a normal person capable of recognizing that one simply…

Spotlight: Voxtrot Member Ramesh’s Royal Ambitions with New LP The King

“Yeah, whatever happened to that band?” A common lament among music aficionados, especially those tuned into alternative label bands that might only make an album or two before succumbing to the enormous difficulty…

Ramesh Album Release at Holy Mountain

Friday night, former Voxtrot member Ramesh celebrated the Austin Town Hall Records-issued vinyl release of his album The King with a show at Holy Mountain. In addition to Ramesh, the bill included garage pop trio…

Free Week Report: Daniel Francis Doyle, Shivery Shakes, & Tiger Waves at Cheer Up Charlie’s

Dan Doyle (perhaps best known by his performing moniker and full name Daniel Francis Doyle) creates songs that possess an intriguing relationship with melody. In his songs, Doyle holds a melody, translucent and…

New Track: “Fields” – Tiger Waves

Tiger Waves make some of the most beautiful recordings in Austin. Their last single, “Weekends,” floored me, and their newest one “Fields” is no less convincing. Built on descending guitar melodies, the song…

Photo Pop 2012 Showcases Talent of Local Music Photojournalists

This Friday, an event at Red 7 will pay tribute to and exhibit the hard work of some of Ausin’s most important fixtures in the independent music community. No, I’m not talking about bands,…

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