Boogarins Find Psychedelia On A Monday
Youthful Brazilian psych-rock band Boogarins brought its incredible live set to Pittsburgh Monday night at Cattivo, awash in cascading phasers, guitar solos, and latin-fueled rhythms. Despite a modest-sized crowd, guitarist/vocalist Dinho Almeida was rarely…

Shaky Shrines Enlighten Cattivo With Two New Records
This past Friday, local Pittsburgh psych-rock group Shaky Shrines played a tight set of old and new tunes at Cattivo, Lawrenceville’s hidden gem of a venue for both touring and local bands. Shrines…

Preview: Shaky Shrines Double Album Release Show
If you have nothing to do Friday night, go to Cattivo. If you do have something to do, cancel it and go to Cattivo Friday night to see Shaky Shrines, Pittsburgh’s most-psyched holy rollers. Over…