Marfa Myths Kicks Off Fourth Installment This Week
Since the single day event collaboratively planned by label Mexican Summer and art space Ballroom Marfa back in 204, Marfa Myths has grown with each installation. This weekend, from Thursday to Sunday, the…
A Pilgrimage West to Marfa Myths
Bent against the flow of the entire universe descending upon Texas’ capital for the inception of the nation’s largest film and music festival, I drove my car head-on into the sun with two…
Marfa Myths Festival Plans Legendary Weekend March 13-15
As adventurous Texans, we’ve been Marfa fans for some time, from personal vacations to clear our cluttered minds and experience one of modern art’s precious treasures to valuing the town’s burgeoning contributions to…
Show Preview: Molybden Homecoming Show at Sahara Lounge
Austin-by-way-of-Marfa singer-songwriter Molybden will celebrate with a homecoming show at Sahara Lounge this Sunday, October 26, following a string of Western tour dates. Molybden is the nom de plume of Tess Seipp who has been…
Photo Gallery: Marfa’s Trans-Pecos Festival of Music + Love at El Cosmico
This past weekend, I took a brief hiatus from writing reviews and allowed my co-corespondent Lukas the verbal spotlight to tell the tales of our magical Marfan weekend at the Trans-Pecos Festival of Music + Love, while…
We Were Marfans at El Cosmico: The Final Chapter
Saturday morning starts with a sweaty rise from inside my tent. The high desert sun shines on the faded yellow east side of my tent, turning the inside into a greenhouse and my…
We Were Marfans at El Cosmico: Part II
At the Trans-Pecos Festival of Music + Love, music starts at seven and goes till midnight (1am on Saturday night), giving the guests plenty opportunity to rest up during the day and focus…
We Were Marfans For A Weekend at El Cosmico
As I navigate Route 67 south towards Marfa, TX, en route to the 8th annual Trans-Pecos Festival of Music + Love, the mountains grow more jagged, the plains reach further to the horizon, and the…
Trans-Pecos Music Festival Prepares for 8th Annual Event in Marfa, TX
Who can keep track of music festivals these days? It seems that on any weekend now, one can find a solid lineup for a festival somewhere. However, those that distinguish themselves by theme,…