"Moonsicles" tag

Moonsicles, Borrisokane, and Van Allen Belt at Cheer Up Charlie’s: Live Review

With so many high profile events in Austin, it’s easy to forget that great music happens on a nightly basis. While much of the public can barely keep up with which festival is…

Between the Weekends: Borrisokane, Moonsicles, Van Allen Belt at Cheer Up Tomorrow

When the ACL weekends come along, it’s interesting to see how many coworkers are sluggish throughout the next week. But for some true believers, this is a constant way of life. We can’t get enough…

Moonsicles at Cheer Up Charlies: Review & Photos

Austin band Moonsicles is something of an early 2000s dream team. The band consists of Carolyn Cunningham of Pillow Queens, Aaron Russell and Lindsey Verrill of Weird Weeds, and Sheila Scoville of Ichi Ni San Shi…

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