"Popstrangers" tag

Album Review: Popstrangers – Fortuna

New Zealand band Popstrangers’ new album, Fortuna, the band’s sophomore follow up to Antipodes is out now on Carpark Records. Because of or despite a certain degree of chaos that can be found…

Album Review: Popstrangers – Antipodes

Popstranger’s album title Antipodes comes from a geographical term used to indicate the areas of Australia and New Zealand, and which also denotes the opposite of something. The title is fitting, since noise-fuzz…

New Track: “What Else Could They Do” – Popstrangers

After a propulsive, distortion driven introduction, “What Else Could They Do,” the second single from Carpark Records recording artists Popstrangers forthcoming album Antipodes segues into an off  kilter melody backed by wavery guitars. The…

New Track: “Heaven” – Popstrangers

New Zealand pop outfit Popstrangers have released a video for the song “Heaven” from the forthcoming album Antipodes out February 26th on Carpark Records. The gritty, ticking verses open up into shimmering choruses…

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