Tennis & Pure Bathing Culture at Red 7: Live Review
I’ve always liked Tennis, but their show at Red 7 on Saturday night convinced me that they’re receiving significantly less credit than they deserve. Built around the creative forces of husband and wife…

Tennis Shares David Lynchian Video for “I’m Callin'”
Tennis, the husband-and-wife duo of Patrick Riley and Alaina Moore, released their third full-length Ritual in Repeat, last month on Communion Records. Today, the band shared a new video for “I’m Callin’,” which features an…

La Luz & Pure Bathing Culture at Red 7: Live Review
With a significant hip-hop bill slated outside and two indie darling bands ready to warm up the indoor stage, Red 7 drew a sizable crowd, especially considering the sub-zero temperatures bearing down on…

Show Preview: Pure Bathing Culture & La Luz at Red 7
The last time I saw La Luz, the four girls demanded that the crowd part to create a row down which concertgoers could dance a la Soul Train. Yes. These ladies are awesome….