Austin Offers Inarguable Reasons to See Live Music This Weekend
At the tail end of a Friday, when all statistics and web-traffic research say there’s almost no point in blogging, we’re throwing caution to the wind. Why, you ask? Because as is often…

SXSW Day 5 feat. Smashing Pumpkins, The Sword, Dog Bite, and Pageants
The final day of SXSW came extraordinarily early for me. While others might have gotten a late start, allowing themselves to sleep in to ease the exhaustion, Pop Press International’s first SXSW day…

SXSW Day 4 with Flaming Lips, Kendrick Lamar, and Phosphorescent
After hustling all morning to get some photos up and edited of day three, I made my way down to Sidebar where DC vs. Austin, hosted by Pop Press International and Side One…

Pop Press International and Side One Track One Present Austin vs. DC at Sidebar Friday March 15th
Pop Press International is teaming up with Side One Track One and No Play Music to bring you another SXSW day show at Sidebar on Friday March 15th from 12:00PM-6:00PM. The Austin vs….